The Blasphemer by Nigel Farndale

The Blasphemer

Nigel Farndale

Two stories intertwined in one book - this is a tale which moves in time between Daniel Kennedy in the present day and his great grandfather in the trenches at Passchendaele. A gripping and thought provoking tale dealing with religious faith and atheism, cowardice and courage, love and hate, and a mystery too! A book which I'm sure you, like me, will find difficult to stop reading; the ending is very unexpected, a real twist in the tale!

For Philip the two-minute silence was crowded in other ways. In what amounted to a family tradition, he had not known his father, who in turn had not known his father. Neither men had grown old, as he, the son and grandson, had grown old. They had instead been frozen in youth, their likenesses recorded in a few granular photographs, their names carved on stones in foreign fields. They were strangers to one another, grandfather, father and son, yet once a year, on the same November morning, they met for two minutes in the silence.
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