My Friend Jesus Christ by Lars Husum

My Friend Jesus Christ

Lars Husum

Niko’s life has been one of self-destruction and violence since his parents’ deaths. Sent into turmoil by a series of traumatic events he submits himself to a stranger who introduces himself as Jesus Christ. I found Niko increasingly sympathetic and I was willing him to succeed in the tasks that Jesus assigns him. In this story of friendship, remorse, and trust, Husum creates a light-hearted and poignant feel to serious subject matters.

'Do you hit everyone who tries to help you?'
'You're in my flat.'
'Did you hear me?'
I shake my head.
'I've come to help you, Nikolaj.'
I don't know who he is. I've not seen him before, so why is he talking to me like that?
'Do I know you? Who are you?'
He smiles at me, then opens his arms wide and says, 'I am Jesus Christ, and I've come to make you a better man.'
  • The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
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