The Russian Concubine by Kate Furnivall

The Russian Concubine

Kate Furnivall

Unusual history and circumstances throughout this book make for a tense yet deeply romantic read. You will learn much about a period of turbulence in China, as well as following the story of a young girl in her relationships with her friends, her mother, the emigre community in which she lives and ultimately her lover.

He saw her right to her door. 'Is your mother home?' he asked.
'Yes' she lied. She needed to be alone, needed silence. Chang An Lo had been so close, barely a whisper away, but now ....
Yet Alexei Serov ignored her protests and escorted her all the way up to the attic, ducking his head to avoid the slope of the roof over the last few stairs. Normally she would have died before taking anyone into their room. Even Polly. But today she didn't care.
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