Circus Bulgaria by Deyan Enev

Circus Bulgaria

Deyan Enev

Sad, bleakly funny, sometimes surreal stories of those on the edges in both Communist and 21st century Bulgaria. This great collection features many characters, animal and human, but is grounded in differing experiences in a large psychiatric hospital.

The torch shone onto the frozen corpse of an old man dressed in an ancient army coat, tied round the waist with string .... In the inside pocket he found something resembling a wallet, rotten and held together by an elastic band. Inside the wallet there was nothing except flecks of tobacco, and a small piece of paper containing a few words written in indelible pencil. It took him a moment to decipher the writing in the torchlight.
Little Mister Sunshine, it said, I beg you ...
The rest was smudged over.
  • A Street Without a Name by Kapka Kassabova
  • The Rat Killer by Alexander Terekhov
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